
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Our membership season runs from 1 September to 31 August.

The 2024-25 season is open for existing member renewals and new member applications.

Existing Members

Select Returning Member below.

You will need your Australian Sailing Number to proceed. If you don't have it to hand, use the Australian Sailing Number finder first.

If renewing as a family, all existing family members will be rejoined to your membership for the new season.

Online payments are preferred. We have removed the transaction charges from online payments to encourage members to pay that way.

Please contact to arrange alternative payment plans.

New Members

We welcome membership applications from individuals, couples and families who have an interest in sailing or learning to sail and would like to actively participate in club life.

We encourage potential members to visit the club and speak to our team prior to submitting a registration. We regularly meet with prospective members on Sunday mornings from 10:00am. Email to confirm your visit.

To send your registration select New Member below.

New memberships attract a joining fee. Please select that addition when submitting your registration.

Our Committee reviews all new memberships according to the MMYC Constitution (PDF).

If you have been a member of our club (or any club) across Australia in the past few years, your details (including Australian Sailing Number) should be in our system. (If you don't know your Australian Sailing Number, you can find it using the Australian Sailing Number finder). New members who have an Australian Sailing number should select Returning Member.

Membership Fees

2024-25 Season fees are:

Family $595
Adult $460
Youth $140
Joining fee
(Family, Adult only)


Yard Storage

Yard storage for boats, kayaks and boards is arranged by application and attracts a fee separate from membership. A yard storage application is required for each craft each season. Storage space will be allocated based on usage.

Once a craft has been allocated a storage space, the fee can be selected as an add-on to your membership renewal.

Catamaran $270
Junior class e.g. Optimist $65
Monohull $255
Kayak/board $125

More information about yard storage and the application form: Yard Storage 

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