Working Bee


Sat 17 Jun 2023 8:00AM — 12:00PM

Event information

This event has passed.

Join us for our annual end-of-sailing-season working bee. These are fun mornings and all family members are welcome.

Our main job is to slope the edges of the grassed areas. We will remove grass, dig out some sand and re-lay. Tools will be required - shovels, spades, rakes and wheelbarrows.

Jobs for all

  • Painting stairs, lower timber, changerooms
  • Pulling in beach mats, handle repairs
  • Mowing, whipper snipping
  • Weeding and pruning around the perimeter
  • Cleaning sail locker and boat sheds and toilets
  • Checking fencing, shade cloth repairs
  • Club yachts check, repair
  • Removing rubbish, tip run
  • Clubhouse, kitchen, window cleaning

It's an excellent opportunity for members leaving their boats over winter and not sailing to remove masts and tidily wrap up their craft.

Most importantly morning tea at 10am

-- Andrew Jones, Yardmaster - 0410 309 537

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