MMYC Coaching - February


Fri 03 Feb 2023 5:00PM — Fri 24 Feb 2023 7:00PM
See all dates
Australian Sailing - Intermediate Fleet Coaching Program

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

The Friday night coaching program is available to members of MMYC - any class of boat. The program is suitable for sailors from Green Fleet stage through to Intermediate and Advanced level of sailing *This is not a learn to sail course.

Qualified Australian Sailing Coaches deliver the coaching, and sessions vary to meet the needs of the people participating.

Cost is $40 per month - whether you join for all sessions or part.


Program Focus:

The Intermediate Fleet Program includes scheduled and regular coaching. Allowing you to practice and race in club and class association programs at clubs.

At Intermediate Fleet level you may remain active- for-life, and enjoy lifelong activity which can cross multiple disciplines, and class of boat or board. 

During the Intermediate Fleet Program, there is continued freesail opportunity to support further enjoyment in the sport and environment. 

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