2022 Annual General Meeting

The 2022 Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 28 August 2022 from 11am in the clubhouse.


Meeting documents will be added to this page.

Call for Nominations

Nominations for the 2022-23 Committee are now closed.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome

  2. Apologies

  3. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting held on 15 August 2021

  4. Commodore's report

  5. Treasurer's report including fees for the coming year

  6. Rear-Commodore's report

  7. Special Resolution - Changes to Constitution

  8. Election of Office Bearers and Committee for 2022-23

  9. General business

  10. Closure of meeting

If any member wishes to attend remotely, please email info@mmyc.org.au to let us know. We will forward a link to a live stream of the meeting.

For enquiries, email  info@mmyc.org.au.

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